Monday, April 23, 2007

QB's Quickie - Demon's Delight

"So, read any good books lately?"
"What did you think of...?"
Here's a Quickie answer to those questions.

Davidson, Holly, Taylor (¹), Spangler - Demon’s Delight
Book Category: Lava Cake - reads like warm Chocolate Lava Cake... à la Mode... sprinkled with nuts. (A,A-)
Flame Height: 4” out of 9”
Yeah, you’re reading that right- I placed an anthology in the Lava Cake category! What else could I do? It made me smile, it made me sigh, it made me cry, and I still can‘t shake it out of my head. In fact, here’s a picture to scrub out of your brain- there I am sitting on the “throne” in the “library” reading Vickie Taylor’s Angel and the Hellraiser, and I’ve got tears running down my face, bawling like a baby! Wha-a-a-t??!! Oh come on! You KNOW you save anthologies to read in there, too!
Maryjanice Davidson’s story is a fun and wacky (of course) story about a witch and a witch-hunter. Emma Holly’s story is set in her Demon world, so I’m not sure if it would be as enjoyable if you haven’t been reading that series. But it was interesting and weird- I hope the main characters, a “Demon” and a genetically manipulated human, show up again in one of her books. Catherine Spangler’s story is another very emotional one and brought happy tears to my eyes. It’s a beautiful story about a vampire and an angel. Vickie Taylor’s emotional story is about an angel and a human- you‘ve got ice crystals around your heart if you can read it without sobbing!
One more thing I found fascinating about this Fantasy/Paranormal Romance anthology- the cover picture. It’s a beautiful work of art unto itself, but somehow the artist seems to have taken elements of each main character in each story and blended them together into the cover art. I actually kept flipping back to the cover to look at it and find which elements applied to which character.

(¹) I was unable to find a website to link to for Vickie Taylor. I DID find a paranormal author named Vickie Taylor but she doesn't list Demon's Delight so I'm assuming it's not the same Vickie Taylor.

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