Monday, August 18, 2008

On to the Next Orgy...

Apparently my nonstop orgy of TBR diving has come to an end. I can't bring myself to pick up another book right now. Instead, I seem to be on some weird de-clutter orgy. (EEK! Somebody find the cure for this malady!) I think it was kicked off from all the back to school shopping, or more specifically, when I realized that my youngest son had no room for the new clothes and had outgrown nearly every single article of clothing he owns (even stuff I bought at the beginning of this summer).

Back when we were building this house, I had plans to weed through all our stuff and only move what we were keeping. Well, I ended up being up at the new house every day and so never had the leisure time to get everything organized. When we moved in, EVERYTHING came with us because it was just quicker to dump and move. In fact, my two oldest kids did most of the packing because I had to spend so much time at the new house.

Well, that was back in June of 1999 and I STILL haven't weeded through all the packed totes that are piled into a mountain in the attic. The problem is compounded because of the accumulation of NEW STUFF that has piled up around here since we moved in. Our old house had almost no storage, so I designed this house with an OVER abundance of it. The trouble is that more places to store stuff just seems to mean more stuff can accumulate.

And so I'm heading back to my orgy of organization, but I leave you with the classic routine about Stuff from the late, great George Carlin:


LVLM(Leah) said...

Oh man, do I know this malady.

I'm the kind that every once in a while gets a bee in my bonnet and just throws out EVERYTHING!

DH is so freaked when I get in those moods cause I throw his stuff as well. LOL I've had to cut back since moving in with him, or he's gonna throw me out. LOL

I totally love this George Carlin skit. It's too funny and too damn close to the truth.

Bev(QB) said...

I'm a borderline OCD Pack Rat. My husband is a "pitch it without thinking it through" type. After 25 years, he's mostly given up on that nasty habit, mainly to prevent my tirades when he pitches something he shouldn't. Although every now and then I still catch him throwing stuff away that he has no business touching. grrrr.

But I will admit that I save way too much stuff. So he wholeheartedly enjoys these occasional clutter-busting orgies of mine. But then again, he's part of the problem because, like the kids, he just stuffs things away where ever they fit instead of putting things where they belong.

LVLM(Leah) said...

he just stuffs things away where ever they fit instead of putting things where they belong.

At least he stuffs it away somewhere.

Mine just lays things down and leaves them, so I hafta see stuff all over the place until I flip out, which causes the urge to purge.

If he would hide it all out of sight, there'd never be a problem. Life could be so simple. *sigh* LOL

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, you too have discovered the crap just fills any available space...

We moved from a 1500 sq foot house to one that has around 3500 square feet. I did get rid of tons of stuff when we moved but still have found that 2 years later, we have filled all this houses nooks and crannies...

I now go through my stuff purging 2 times a year, trying to keep from being buried under it...


Vincent Copsey said...

It must be de-cluttering day, I've just spent the afternoon wading through years worth of paperwork to find the kiddies computer.

Bev(QB) said...

Hee, it's a worldwide pandemic-- both the stuff collecting AND the de-cluttering malady!